Maintenance and Services

Preventive Maintenance

We provide on time maintenance services for all our products, provided as part of our AMC contract. Our skilled engineers and technicians will do routine checks to ensure that your elevator run smoothly without any errors, throughout its lifetime.

Corrective Maintenance

With our comprehensive team of skilled engineers and technicians who are available 24/7 in case of emergency calls and breakdowns, we can offer the best repair services for faulty or failing products, within a rapid timeframe.

Lifts & Escalators Repair

Our maintenance wing is well capable to repair all faulty and failing products, starting from standard procedures such as lubricating all rotating equipment and other moving parts, checks, and adjustments to every aspect of the equipment, replacing or repairing faulty parts, etc.

Comprehensive Lift Care

Having maintained just about every lift on the market, our professional and highly skilled team has all the necessary expertise to carry out comprehensive maintenance care on your elevators. Our comprehensive lift care maintenance package is ideal for customers needing a more predictable budget, not only does this contract include routine preventative maintenance but should your lift breakdown unexpectedly the cost of any repair including parts and labor are covered. Our comprehensive lift care and maintenance service also include, at agreed intervals, regular cleaning, making adjustments, and checking the functionality of all components, allowing us to perform a detailed fault-checking service and the very best in operating quality. We will monitor the lift emergency alarm system 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Upon a report of trapping, we will dispatch the nearest engineer to release the trapped passengers diagnose the cause of the breakdown, and ensure your lift is put back into service as quickly as possible.

We provide our Comprehensive Lift Care maintenance package for residential and commercial customers across the Emirates. Includes our emergency call out service, meaning you never have to wait long for your lift to be repaired.

Lift Inspection

Testing and inspection any lifts that are used to transport passengers or goods are duty bound under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations to be checked and tested regularly. Indeed, Regulation of UAE states that ‘all lifts provided for use in work activities are thoroughly examined by a competent person at regular intervals.’

UAE civil & Defence regulations mean that as a property owner or facilities manager you have a legal responsibility to ensure that the lift is thoroughly examined and that it is safe to use. That is where the testing and inspection service offered by FALCON ELEVATORS CONT .LLC.


Customer Service

We offer all kinds of preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance and lift and escalator repair services for our customers. Our current customer service model for lift and escalator maintenance or repair policy ensures –

  • A free and comprehensive evaluation of lifts and escalators to be serviced or upgraded.
  • Fast and reliable service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
  • Availability of Customised Service Agreements that ensure lifts are maintained in peak condition.
  • Competitive rates and real value for money for our services.

Emergency Services

We repair all manufacturers and types of lift equipment. We provide our emergency lift call-out service for residential and commercial customers across UAE

  • A quick response to your emergency
  • Contactable 24/7

To recap, the benefits of our emergency call-out service include:

When it comes to lift repairs, maintenance and installation, there is only one name that you can trust Elevators Ltd. So, if your industrial, commercial or residential property needs some emergency lift repairs, do not hesitate to contact our experienced and friendly team.

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